The ensuing Chinese New Year is named as a ‘Rat’ year and its element is metal. The new Rat year will start on 25th January .

According to the chinese zodiac, this is a year for diplomacy and persuasion. It is certainly not the right moment for trying to barge ahead, since this will only result in sterile and time-consuming confrontation. On the other hand, it is an ideal time for dealings of a more agreed nature; the exchange of contracts, or the peaceful transfer of authority.

In the sphere of politics, this is not a year for dramatic change (all the revolutions have happened during the previous year - the year of the Pig). Rather, it is a period of increased awareness and concern for human rights, the underprivileged and the victims of unjust treatment. Internationally, much will be achieved to help those in need.

As the possessor of the recipe for the elixir of life, the Rat is credited with a knowledge of herbal remedies and medicine, and the Year of the Rat is seen as a suitable period for expansion in the field of pharmaceuticals or cosmetics, dealings to do with herbs, drugs, or preparations of vegetable origin. Interest in alternative medicine will continue to expand.

Greater emphasis will be placed on the importance of family life, and there is good news for those wishing to expand their families this year, but those involved in illicit liaisons should ponder the Rat’s procreative prowess.

With regards to health, this should prove to be a recuperative year; but beware the dangers of becoming dependent on medication.

How will be this Rat year for you?


This will be a calm and quiet year. But you should be careful with finance. There may be some misunderstandings and confusion within your family or at work. However, you may get new contacts in business which will be favourable. New members will be added to your family.


This is a moderately good year for the Ox; the astrological aspects are well-established, and in all areas, noticeable progress can be expected. In finance, there are moderate gains; while in romantic affairs, this is an exceptionally lucky period. With regard to health, conditions improve for those needing to take medicines.


This is a curious year for the Tiger with apparently no major changes, but an undercurrent of activity, stimulated by some of the more outstanding events of the preceding Year of the Tiger. Following all that energy, movement, and expansion, this is a year in which benefits will be seen in more secure finances, more stable personal relationships, and opportunities for physical and mental recreation.


In 2020 there is renewed vigour, greater confidence, and an improved outlook on life generally, putting the Rabbit in a very favourable position. A marked interest in the Rabbit is taken both by those in positions of authority and those whose aspirations are more romantically inclined. The year will be marked by an unusual number of happy family reunions. Generally, an excellent year.


This is a moderate year for the Dragon, sandwiched as it is between all the excitement and activity of the Tiger Year which has just passed, and the frenetic rounds of the Dragon’s own year, still to come. This fallow year, however, is a vital period of recuperation, even though to the Dragon it will seem routinely dull. The Dragon will have to be content with a time of stability, and dine out on last year’s stories.


The Snake, who so loves scandal, is this year uncomfortably close to being caught up in it. Dropping a customary mantle of caution, the Snake becomes involved in an incident which does not leave the reputation entirely unscathed. Canny as ever, however, the Snake is bound to make considerable social capital out of the affair. Finances are good this year; and those involved in the decorative arts, fashion, or cosmetics will make considerable headway.


The Horse will find this a year of effort; one of plodding rather than progression. Socially, it will be an active time; but in business, while there will be no shortage of work, little financial benefit will follow. In romance, several shallow, unfulfilling and brief encounters leave a feeling of dissatisfaction. In health, lassitude and depression probably indicate the need for a respite from the tedium of the moment.

The Sheep

This is an excellent year for the Sheep, bringing success in many different forms, and helping to create an aura of accomplishment and general well-being. For career people, it will be a time of considerable achievement, and business matters proceed extremely satisfactorily. Those hoping to marry and settle down this year could choose no better time, although couples planning to wait before starting a family may find their schedules changed unexpectedly.


This is a time of moderate progress for the Monkey. Activity generally will be restricted, with less social involvement and fewer practical enterprises. Financially, and romantically, too, the year is unremarkable. On the other hand, for those who work with ideas rather than with people or materials – the planners, programmers, and inventors – this is an excellent time for creative activity.


There have been better times for those born in the Year of the Rooster. A general feeling of frustrations arises thanks to the fact that finances and opportunities are never available at the same time. Fortunately, this is only a passing phase: but during this inauspicious period, patience and caution are advised. It would be wisest to concentrate on the present position, perhaps making tentative explorations regarding future possibilities, instead of getting involved in albatross-like situations simply because nothing better presents itself at the moment. Patience will be a great asset.


Much of the impetus of last year carries over, and many projects begun then are brought to fulfillment. For those just setting out in marriage, the arrival of a new member of the family means considering the need to move house, and it would be wisest to do this during the current year.


This is a wonderful year for the Pig-personality. Family life is to the fore, and the year is filled with joyful times together. There may be a move to a bigger house or a better location. This would also be an ideal time to take a long vacation together. In business, the Pig has several successes, and the financial position improves considerably. Those involved in the arts, especially painting, can look forward to greater success.